Day 17
Read the text yesterday to prepare for this new direction that the production has taken. The problem with this text is that it is too long.
In some parts I just dont get where Shakespeare is going with it.
For example, why write the whole 5th act with all it's twists and turns and plots and brimborium when Juliet is already in a coma and we (the audience) know that she is going to die. Why the wait? Suspence? Building hope? delaying the action in order to delay the inevitable. What is the point??!
After the death of Mercutio this play turns from a light, interesting, tragicomic love story into a tragedy. And that is well done, all things considered. The current of this play runs in one direction, exept the 5th act, which runs against the current.
So I just edited it out!
Since I have to do this text as written I will at least tell the story in such a way that it has some action.
After finishing with the downsizing and decided to go look from the girl from last night, the one with the beautiful eyes, eyes that spoke volumes in their misterious silence. And I found her - and her boyfriend.
I watched sleepless in Seattle in the hotel room.
Love is deception, idioticy, spinning of tales, fools gold and misunderstanding all in one.
It is hard to stage a play about a feeling that is past it's sale by - date.